Your Fourth of July weather forecast for Tuesday, Jul 5 - Saturday, Jul 9
Yesterday day was sweet but how are we looking for the rest of the week?
Weather outlook for Tuesday, Jul 5 - Saturday, Jul 9
Tuesday July 5
Humid and mostly cloudy throughout the day.
High: 89° Low: 74° with a 36% chance of rain with 9 mph winds from the SSW.
Wednesday July 6
Humid and mostly cloudy throughout the day.
High: 88° Low: 73° with a 40% chance of rain with 8 mph winds from the NW.
Thursday July 7
Rain and humid throughout the day.
High: 81° Low: 70° with a 89% chance of rain with 6 mph winds from the E.
Friday July 8
Light rain and humid throughout the day.
High: 76° Low: 69° with a 94% chance of rain with 6 mph winds from the ESE.
Saturday July 9
Partly cloudy throughout the day.
High: 83° Low: 68° with a 46% chance of rain with 5 mph winds from the NNW.
There you have it! For more details, check out our weekly weather forecast.