
Baltimore City (BBS)
BBS was so excited to see our neighbors “I Voted” stickers displayed all over town. It was great to see our community coming together for change! Most of the voting polls had fantastic turn-outs! Now, residents are just waiting patiently for all the results to be tallied. Especially, our mail-in ballots. Today, everyone is reacting to the winners of Tuesday’s election. I think we all agree that this was an interesting turn of events. We think that all of our local officials did a wonderful job. Many officials have reached out to residents directly throughout our city and surrounding areas. Many of neighbors had the opportunity to voice their concerns directly and get open responses to the needs of our community. It is very imperative to have everything at hand to decide who’s best for office. Our locals want the best person in office who can get the job done!
Sunny, with a high of 39 and low of 24 degrees. Sunny in the morning, clear in the afternoon and evening, cloudy overnight.