It’s Watermelon Day in and around town!


Baltimore City(BBS)

What’s everyone’s favorite Summer fruit, you ask? We think it’s watermelon because they having been flying out the fruit section in our local supermarkets. Residents are out and about celebrating National Watermelon Day and staying well hydrated while eating it and you can, too. We can’t have a Summer Fiesta without including these amazing watermelon facts! Do you know that watermelons are about 92% water! It is also one of the most trending vining plants. Seriously,  large watermelons can grow up to about 20 pounds. Some of our residents grow them in their backyard and have said that it takes about 90 days to grow! Is it good for you, though? Your neighbors think so and here’s why. Watermelons are rich in an amino acid called CitrullineEveryone’s number one Summer fruit is also a good source of iron!

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