Who’s talking trash?


Baltimore City (BBS)

Who’s talking trash and why? You’re neighbors are and it’s trending all over town. In a good way we hope. By now every neighborhood knows their trash pickup days. Some of our neighbors like to be theirs out the morning off. Others like to put their green or blue cans out the day before. Many neighbors make their decision on when depending on the weather. If it’s a storm the day before and even the day of, it might not be a good idea. The gusty winds may knock over your trash and you’ll be left to clean your yard before going to work. Not to mention that it is unneighborly to let it blow in someone’s yard. If several homes are doing this it will cause a conflict. Now, no one knows whose trash it is. The neighbor in question is left to clean up someone’s else mess. Then there’s always someone on the block that puts their trash out days earlier and it may cause a problem later. What’s your take on neighbors talking trash? How soon is too soon in your opinion?  

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