Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!


Good Morning, Neighbors!

September is a very spectacular month right here in our local community! Families are also celebrating  around the world and we can, too! September 15 marked the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month. During this month long event, Americans reflect on the rich, cultural history of our Hispanic loved ones, dear friends and our fellow colleagues. Our local residents are proudly honored in events in festive activities all around town. We celebrate and honor their magnificent history, culture and achievements! If you would like to share you or your loved one’s personal achievements, please do so! Our community honors and salutes all of your contributions to our local community. For those of you that are hosting local events, please comment below. Your neighbors would love to celebrate, participate and support our local community residents! Neighbors, please share how you or your loved ones are celebrating this historic event! Please share local arts and crafts, family activities and music events! Is there a traditional ceremony that means a lot to you? Do you have  a special recipe or delicious dish that your family prepares and enjoys during this month long celebration? Is there a religious event that means a lot to your family and loved ones that your neighbors should know about? We are so excited to learn about your family’s personal tradition during this joyous month! Please let us know how you are celebrating and what does this historic event mean to your family and children? 

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