Online entertainment for our kids!


Happy Marvelous Monday, Baltimore!
Please join in on today’s trending topic! A safe place for conversations, opinions and advice. You don’t have to be computer savvy to sit at our table! This post is for everyone in our community. How do you feel about today’s social media for our kids? Do you think it is out of control? Is your child or grandchild permitted to use social media in your home or are you against it? If so, what is their time limit to engage in these activities?  Is there a certain age that you feel is inappropriate for online games or apps such as these? Are there any educational apps that you would like to tell us about? How has your personal experience changed your views on today’s social media?  Do you reward your kids with Google Play, Apple Play, or Roblox Cards? Please share why or why not? Are you a parent, grandparent or caregiver that has a specific concern that others should know about? Are there any games that you feel are too violent? Share the game’s name to warn other parents. Do you have restrictions on their online use? What age do you recommend to own these devices? Does the children in your care own an IPad, tablet or cellphone? Why or why not? Do you allow your kids to make Tik Tok videos or play Roblox? Do you routinely check in on what they’re doing? If so, do you monitor their activities through the Bark App? The Bark App allows parents and caregivers to oversee everything that their child does on any app including emails?  This app provides early access to cyber bullying and possible harm to our kids. Also, if there are any other parental control apps, tell us about those as well. Some of the other popular games that children love are Cookie Run Kingdom, Fort Nite and Mine Craft. Let’s start a list of positive games today. Ones that you feel are appropriate for our school-aged children!

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