Sunday Soup Recipes!


Happy Sunny Sunday Baltimore! Today is October 10, 2021. The start of a marvelous new week for our local neighbors. It’s the perfect day to plan your dinner meals for the week. Is anyone cooking soup for lunch or dinner soon? If so, your neighbors would like to hear from you today! We want to hear from residents that make homemade soup from scratch and our neighbors that prefer the traditional canned soups. Please tell our community which one you prefer and why. For our homemade preparers, tell us about your delicious recipes. Also, where does your family go to purchase fresh garden veggies. Do you buy from Baltimore’s local farms and flea markets? Or do you buy them from our local grocery stores? Which one has better quality and taste? Give us all your secret, juicy details please. Some of us have no clue as to where to start. So, please share simple, easy recipes for our neighbors. Those who prefer the canned good options, please tell your community why? Is there a benefit to it and what are its advantages? Of all the cans on the supermarket shelf, which is your favorite and why? My family personally loves both. How about you and your loved ones? As always neighbors, your comments are always appreciated and welcome here!

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