Good Evening, Neighbors!
It’s late and you decide to make a quick run to our local Walmart or Roses. What’s the first thing you see? You’ve guessed it. Beautiful Christmas Trees and decorations. The question of the day is have you are your loved ones started your Christmas Shopping yet? Neighbors, let your community know in the comment section below, please. Is it too early, why or why not? This year will you shop online or in our local stores? How many people order from Amazon or EBay? Please share with us the advantages and disadvantages of ordering online? I think most consumers are concerned about their packages arriving on time. For our online shoppers, tell us your personal experiences in the comment section below. For everyone, which of the two offers more variety. Finally, we have to ask our neighbors. When will you put up your family Christmas Tree and decorations? My family is still decorating for Autumn! For those that prefer the real trees, tell us where we can buy one? For our artificial tree lovers, what store has the best selection and why? When sending gifts are you giving out gift cards this year for your loved ones? Why or why not? I prefer gift cards because it allows the person to buy what they like or what they need. Now, you can go to our local store and find a variety of gift cards for everyone you love! It’s convenient and there’s a card for everyone on your checklist. Neighbors, if you would like to share some gift ideas, please do so in the comment section below.