It’s almost sixty degrees in Baltimore City. Spectacular weather for our local residents. A gorgeous, sunny evening for Monday, November 8,2021! A beautiful day to be out and about. Especially for the kids. On days like this our teenagers normally are on the corners and open for business. Baltimore City Squeegee Kids can be found at our local traffic light stops ready to wash your car. Some local residents are very concerned for their safety and the kids. These kids are taking a risk in open traffic. My heart always skips a beat when I watch our local kids dodge in out of moving cars. Many residents support them but wish our city could provide a designated spot for them instead. These risks are way to dangerous on busy intersections. Most corners have traffic merging in every direction. For some local residents their personal safety is at risk. We have all heard about these confrontational experiences all over our local news. Many drivers have reported being attacked because they refused their car washing services and it resulted into an sudden attack or conflict of words at the light. Neighbors, what do you suggest that our city officials do at this point? For the safety of our kids and to prevent alterations in the future. Do you have a positive experience to share? If you are supportive to our local kids on the corners let your community know in the comment section below. As a community, we should be able to come together with a plan that works for all parties involved.