Workplace Holiday Parties!


It’s evening and you have finally settled in after a long day at work. You replied yes to the company Christmas Party. You even agreed to participate in the annual ugly sweater contest with your colleagues. Your office Christmas cards are already signed and sealed. Today, your coworker asks if you are participating in the anonymous Secret Santa this year. No one wants to be the office outcast, so you reply “of course I am.” That brings us to the holiday question of the day. Neighbors, how do you feel about the Secret Santa Exchange, personally?  Most offices will decide at a meeting what the gift limit should be. The group normally comes together to agree on a reasonable and affordable limit. Some workplaces will even ask their employees to list three gifts that they would like. From there, the lists are put into a secret container of some sort. A simple cardboard box will do. Everyone gathers around to draw a name. It sounds very exciting and festive. Although, everyone’s personal experience will be different. Have you ever received a difficult and exact list? Chances are that you have at least once. This particular list can be complicated and time consuming. It will be a detailed list that contains specific colors, features and brands. It normally contains one of the hottest items of the holiday season and is always very hard to find in our local stores. It may require you to order one of these items online and pay high shipping costs to arrive on time. If you had the option to vote on the gift exchange, would you? Many local residents agree that gifts cards of choice is a better option instead of a written list. Many residents agree that the gift card is a better advantage. It will allow your coworkers to choose what they like personally. What factors are considered when choosing to participate in your office holiday party? Please let us know in the comment section below. If you have Secret Santa stories to share we would love to hear about that too! As always, subscribe to receive your free newsletters below!

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