As you may know that we have plenty of private schools right here in our local community. There are days when our students are allowed to wear dressed down or comfortable clothes and even sports attire. If a student is wearing what they feel is comfortable attire, should school staff tell the student to remove it or not? Most of our private schools believes in traditional values of faith and prayer. However, our society today is moving at a much faster pace. Core values have changed on many personal levels. As a parent of a child who attends the school in question, we thought we should open up a discussion with our community. As a fellow parent, I can sympathize with this classmate, other students in class and their families that have been directly affected for two reasons. I think that it is imperative for our Catholic Schools to implement an appropriate protocol for all students and faculty. In 2021, we are aware that the school’s student handbooks are probably outdated and needs to be revised. Our community needs to have a clear understanding of what clothing is permitted in our classrooms and churches. It should outline specifically in great detail what is prohibited on school grounds. In light of what is trending and unfolding in our community as we speak. We all want our kids to grow and learn in a safe environment. One where every student feels accepted and comfortable. As for our school and other religious private schools in our district, change is evident everywhere. It’s time for the Archdiocese to step in and meet with both parties to reach a common ground at this point in the school year. Neighbors, as this story unfolds here in our community, what is your take on the incident in question? Are you for or against wearing shirts of this nature in our schools? Please share your opinions in our comment section below. We would love to have everyone voice their concern here in a safe place that is open and nonjudgmental.