Bills,bills, bills!


It’s Sunday and most of us aren’t expecting to get a call from a bill collector today. We expect those calls mostly on Monday through Friday, right. If you have been following the news then you know that’s all about to change. How does it affect you and your loved ones directly you ask? It’s simple and its  causing a stir in our community. Caller ID has always been a big deal in the past and still is today. The ease and convenience of choosing who to speak with is priceless. Let’s go back a step further with the classic *69 and *66 features on our landline phones. That was one of the greatest inventions ever! With today’s technology, we can easily block these collectors even better than we did in the past. Apple Phone and other phone carriers will normally alert you in advance. A scam likely notification will display to alert the user of such a call. It works because you will receive an advance notice. It’s great because no one likes to receive spam or telemarketing calls all day! Especially the ones where you won a dream vacation or your car’s warranty has expired. All block features are helpful when you just don’t want to take that call. Today’s bill collectors have caught on to this trend and are clapping back at us in an unusual way. Apparently, bill collectors are allowed to contact us on our personal social media accounts. Trending news outlets has also reported that these individuals or groups surprisingly don’t need our permission. They are still not out of the water on that one, neighbors. They have to offer their clients an option to not being contacted online. The law still protects the consumers because they can’t put our private information online. Can you imagine the horror of sending our personal and private information to the wrong users? It’s very possible because most residents update and change their account information frequently. We don’t think anyone saw this one coming! Imagine receiving a text message, dm or email across your private social media accounts. Residents in our community, we want to hear from you! If you have personally experienced this, let us know in our comment section below! 

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