Merry Christmas Neighbors!


Merry Christmas, Baltimore City and it’s surrounding areas. It’s a splendid holiday that’s filled with cheer and joy! We hope all of our neighbors are enjoying their Christmas holiday with cherished loved ones and friends! For our working residents today, your community salutes you today! We want to thank-you for your dedication and service around town! You keep us safe and make sure your local communities have everything that they need. BCP, healthcare workers, grocery workers and local venue workers around town! We hope you had a delicious breakfast that was prepared from the heart. There is nothing like festive conversations over strawberry pancakes, scrambled eggs and fresh squeezed orange juice. The smiles are only just the beginning for this glorious holiday! Everyone is grateful to be able to see this magnificent day! To be among loving family and friends is always a blessing! Please be safe, merry and gracious today. Be sure to create new cherished memories while reflecting on the traditions from the years past. Snap a pic because everyone knows that a family pic can say a thousand words! Most of our local residents are hosting timeless virtual meals together and we love it! Trending meets around town include zoom, duo and FaceTime. This is a fantastic alternative to our classic meet and greet. However, you decide to spend your holiday, enjoy! Today means so many things to so many people. From religious to spiritual beliefs and practices. Enjoy your fabulous lunches and dinner. FYI, we do respond to invites!

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