Residents all over Baltimore City brought in the New Year! We hope that everyone in our community celebrating safely and had fun! There were so many spectacular happenings in and around town yesterday! Many residents found them right here on BBS super exciting event page! Why haven’t you heard? It’s only the trendiest place to be on the weekends. Great local entertainment at affordable and budget friendly prices. We don’t want our community members traveling all over town! We look to find convenient venues and attractions that are local or in our neighborhoods. BBS is always looking for additional events and would love for you to post yours in our comment section below. If it’s fun and popular, your neighbors will love it, too! It’s a fabulous, and damp Saturday for most local areas around town! Our winter temperature are expected to be in the sixties for the highs. That’s not bad for January, right? BBS wants to wish you and your loved a prosperous, blessed and healthy New Year! We hope the traditional black-eyes are in your favor of course! Some love them and for others it is just not for them! In the next few days, many residents will be working on their New Year’s Resolution. Some of the popular ones are the subjects of many conversations this afternoon. They include eating healthier, dieting and mostly staying safe throughout the pandemic. The lunch table topics include a new job, house or move. Many working adults are planning on going back to school to enhance or for a career change. We wish these individuals the very best at all of their educational endeavors! Their opinions include online and in-person classes. A few other topics are being discussed and they include everything that’s going on around us that directly affects our families daily life! Do you have something to bring to our marvelous table of friends and neighbors? Please join in. We would love to hear from you! As always, subscribe to have your free daily newsletters delivered right to your mailbox!