BBS Author’s Corner- Calling all fiction and non-fiction readers! Romance, Sci-fi and Mystery to name a few. There’s a trending, new event happening in our town and we want to share all the exciting details here today. Join us every Saturday starting next week to discuss books, meet fabulous authors and poets in every genre in our newsletter! See what new book related activities are happening around our town. A place to share and recommend books by your favorite authors among friends and neighbors! If you love to read, this will be perfect for you. You will get exclusive behind the scene details on all of our guest writers. Each week, we will be spotlighting the most highly creative and talented writers and poets from around the world including our local gems right here in Baltimore City! Feel free to ask questions and gain tips for aspiring authors from the best in world. We will have a ton of free activities and books for you to choose from. We will also highlight local book events around town that you should know about. Book signings, expos, conventions are just the icing on the cake! The best free activities for your family and loved ones are always here on our calendar page. Most of these family friendly activities can be found right here at our local Enoch Pratt Libraries. To find the nearest one, just enter your zip code. BBS would love to know your favorite genres to read and why! How can we make this a rewarding experience for our community members? Please let your neighbors know in our comment section below. Be sure to subscribe to receive your free newsletters today. Be the first to know what’s happening by having our newsletters delivered to your inbox!