Books and Conversation: Author Verona Willis-Brown!


Books and Conversation:

BBS has a special Valentine’s Day inspired author celebrating right here with our community! We are so excited to have Verona Willis-Brown on this sweet, romantic weekend to remind us of love and romance!

Please share a sweet story about yourself to our community!
Haha a sweet story about me. I chuckled at this because I often get the sweetest compliments like: you are so charming or easy to love. My sweet story is that I am addicted to love in all angles. A couple years ago I fell in love with myself and I didn't know a love like this had existed. And now I believe God is going to provide me with extra love somehow.

We love it! What is the title of your book?
The title of my books and I said books because the last one which published in 2020 is part two of a series. That title came about while I was evolving in my authentic self and writing out things from my journals. I couldn't come up a solid answer and then God gave that to me.

Why should we buy it this Valentine’s Day Weekend?

It is Valentine's Day weekend and everyone is searching for the perfect gift for their loved one. So many people are used to the same gifts of chocolate, teddy bears and roses every year. We should learn to create change and as a result of buying my book this weekend and thereafter readers will have space to question themselves of how free they are emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, financially, sexually and socially. Yes it is for grown and mature audiences to capture explicit contents and see where they fall in each section. However you will see places of laughter and testimony of faith, at the end of it all everything is reality driven. There is nothing more romantic that someone reading to you, or you reading to someone, so why not get a copy, grab your drink, cuddle up with or without someone and read this questionable novel. Not your typical romance novel, you will see for yourself just by looking at the cover.

places of laughter and testimony of faith, at the end of it all everything is reality driven. There is nothing more romantic that someone reading to you, or you reading to someone, so why not get a copy, grab your drink, cuddle up with or without someone and read this questionable novel. Not your typical romance novel, you will see for yourself just by looking at the cover. Yes it is for grown and mature audiences to capture explicit contents and see where they fall in each section. However you will see places of laughter and testimony of faith, at the end of it all everything is reality driven. There is nothing more romantic that someone reading to you, or you reading to someone, so why not get a copy, grab your drink, cuddle up with or without someone and read this questionable novel. 

Ok, please tell us! What is romance in your own words?

Romance in own words, hmm, well let's look in the middle of that word and see what we have there, it says, "Man" so my definition of the word is simple this: don't wait for a man to give you loving, attention, gifts or space, love on yourself first, caress your body and feel the tenderness of it so you could know what you deserve. Compliment yourself and know you are beautiful and enough. Be in love, have respect, caress your mind, all of this true romance as you can see it has nothing to do with sex.

What inspired you to write a romance novel, Verona?

What inspired me to write a romance novel is indeed the sweetest question and the sweetest answer is, I have been cheated on so many times and often wonder if i was not enough then I have seen so many extra marital affairs stories from the White house to the jail and then I watched my parents who were married for 48 years until my mother died served each other. Barely saw compassion between them but I knew they were loyal and in love. So all those stories inspired me to a great extent and when you turn the pages to this book you will see how to be civilized when you approach by anything called affairs because we do have affairs with ourselves by cheating on our destiny.

What’s next for Author Verona Willis-Brown?

What's next for me, (chuckle) I am writing a spin off from book 2 as well as Co-authoring a life lessons book, and considering teaching the life lessons I have learned about evolving in my authentic self to single women and single mothers.
Thank you for viewing this simple lady's story who desire to serve and inspire one person at a time.

Books are available on Amazon and Smashwords Ebook for book in its revised format is only available in Amazon. Follow me on Facebook at Are you free enough page where I host a live podcast show every Thursday night at 7pm EST. Interviewing creatives in all sense, from authors to Crotcher. To be a a part of my guest's list please send me an email@ or a direct message from the page I do reply to all messages in a timely manner. All are welcome to be in the audience.  

Lastly, where can our readers purchase your book directly?

Thanks so much for stopping by Books and Conversation on Valentine’s Day Weekend! We would love to have you come back to us very soon! From BBS, and sincerely from our hearts! We wish you the very best on your journey! A special thank-you to our neighbors and local residents for celebrating this very sweet occasion!

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