The possible end of face mandates!


Baltimore City- Our local community is one of many districts that are in debate over masks. If mask mandates were to end across our state, will you support that decision. For many neighbors that topic is still in the air. Many feel that it is time and feel very comfortable removing their masks. Other are still very concerned and aren’t quite ready to toss them aside yet. BBS has heard from both sides and completely understand everyone’s concerns! Neighbors, as a community, what do you think? How soon is too soon? In our local area, many schools are for ending mask mandates for students. As parents, caregivers and educators, how will that impact your family and loved ones? If you’re child’s is maintaining their mask mandates, how do you feel about your child’s classroom?  There are definitely pros and cons to both. They both equally pose advantages and disadvantages our entire community! We want you to weigh in this evening and voice your opinion in our comment section below. Many of our local residents have made a personal choice to continue to wear their masks regardless if we lose the mandate.  Our BBS community members want to hear from you too! Let your neighbors know why are still opting to wear it? At the end of the day, the best decision for your loved ones is what counts!

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