Support for Ukraine!


Baltimore City- The Ukraine Country desperately needs our help. Many local residents have already donated to our local charities in and around town. Baltimore City residents have wholeheartedly stepped in to provide emergency support and aid to displaced families in Ukraine and you can too! BBS has a list of charities in and around town and nationally! Please visit these websites for details on how to contribute. Many local residents have contributed to area churches and charities right here! If you would like to add your charity below, please do so in our comment section below! Every little bit counts. No matter how small. It will make a difference and have an enormous impact on the lives of Ukraine Citizens! One trending outreach charity is the International Rescue Committee or the IRC. This organization is also providing emergency aid and support to displaced Ukrainian families. The Salvation Army also has a plan of action to provide immediate relief to support the crisis. It is called Ukraine Relief Efforts. Save the Children also has a Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund on their website. Please visit other charities such as the International Medical Corps, Army SOS website and World Help. Catholic Relief Service is also providing aid to the Ukraine Country!

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