Books and Conversation!


Books and Conversation- Today, we’ll be having an interesting conversation about the works of Tolkien. If you are a true Tolkienist, we need you to come to the center of our table this morning. Everyone else, please grab your coffee and tea. Also, we recommend a notepad to jot down some interesting facts. Many of our  local residents really enjoyed the Middle Earth Legendarium by Tolkien. It includes the world famous, The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings!Like BBS, these books came out way before our time. Although before our time, we must admit that Tolkien was a very intriguing author indeed. The Hobbit, his children’s book was published in 1937. The Lord of The Rings from 1954-1955. It’s so interesting how the writing world has changed since then. Interestingly, the first Tolkien club was founded in 1974 by Ted Johnstone. That club sort of circled around Science Fiction Fandom. The 18th World Science Fiction Convention took place in Pittsburgh on September 4,1960. Residents and readers who were there, please share your stories and experiences in our Tolkien section below. We know that it had to have been an amazing, historical event! It so fascinating to know that these books were also super popular during the Hippie Subculture! Many of his readers believe that Tolkien inspired Fantasy role playing games. Many of which are still widely used today. Our research revealed many featured readings from around the world. It also included costume competitions and art shows and is still inspiring Science Fiction to this very day. Readers, tell us about your favorite Tolkien book or movies. Also, provide book recommendations for new fans of Tolkien. Like what order should we start in. Feel free to post pictures of past Tolkien events or books.

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