It’s Crab Season!


Baltimore City-It’s almost the weekend here in Baltimore City. The weather forecast is looking pretty typical for SpringLocal residents are ecstatic and here’s why. It’s peak season for our Maryland Blue Crabs. That’s right, it’s time to go crabbing. Before you head out to our ocean, BBS has a few recommendations for you. Especially new or interested crabbers. You might want to visit Maryland sport fishing and crab licenses first. They have important detailed information on crabbing in and around town. There’s a list of our Maryland laws and detailed information for prospective crabber applicantsInformation on how to apply is also available for you. Many local residents will be traveling out of our city to these happening crab spots. Please, list your favorite spots in our comment section below. Most neighbors are taking a trip all the way up to Calvert County. Solomons Island Fishing Pier or Kings Landing Park is currently trending. Experienced crabbers, please report here. Your community has questions for the experts, you! We had the chance to ask a kind neighbor the obvious question. What do our blue crabs look like. We were amazed by his response.  He said the crabs are called blue because of its blue colored claws and that the tips of the female crabs are red. We’re curious if this is really true or not. Everyone Baltimorean probably knows who has the best crab meat, right. We were told that the Colossal Res King Crabs were the meatiest. BBS just loves to eat our Maryland crabs. We have no clue on its details. They just taste delicious with extra Old Bay seasoning. Neighbors, what crab place do you recommend for our out of towers? For crabbing or just to buy to eat with family and friends. Baltimore is known for the best crab houses ever! Your community just wants to know who do you think is the best and why. Please, don’t forget to list the mar and location, so we all can visit this season!

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