
Books and Conversation- BBS is so excited for our Saturday events! Spring is in the air and this is the perfect weather for outdoor reading. Our fascinating suggestions are creatively related to our current season. Cool right? We have exciting sports titles to talk about today. To get your ready for our local Spring sports! Exploration stories such as a trip to our very own Chesapeake Bay. Plan a picnic and check out this week’s awesome recommendations! This week, we will be introducing fascinating stories for children of all ages! We created a beautiful collection of vivid, colorful and delightful short stories. These exciting titles are all about our beautiful city in or around Maryland. These will make great reads for a sunny day! We are sure that these titles will inspire your loved ones, too! As local residents prepare for our Opening Day, Orioles game on Monday, you might want to take a look at these sportsy , themed books. Jason-Rat-a-Tat by Colby Rodowsky. Also, Winners Take All by Fred Bowen. Speaking of birds, this next one really caught our attention. Perry’s Baltimore Adventure, A Bird’s Eye View of Charm City by Dr. Peter Dans. This is a delightful, picture book. Chadwick the Crab by Priscilla Cummings is another sea filled book to check out. Explore our beautiful bay in Awesome Chesapeake by David Owen Bell. These are only the few that we’ve researched. Please, feel free to add your favorite children’s books to our trendy list below. Our lovely group of community readers would love to see what you recommend as well. As a reminder, please visit our local Enoch Pratt Free Library for additional titles for every member of your household!