Books and Conversation: Thriller Genre


Books and Conversation

We’re seven months early for dark, creepy, crawly stories! Today’s titles are too intriguing to wait until then. Most readers like to indulge in horror books right around Halloween. For other locals, it’s a year round thing for them. The horror, thriller genre has been trending forever. Even way back to our timeless classics that we all know and love. BBS would love for you to share your favorite horror stories to our list. Our reading community would love to read about your recommendations and reviews in our comment section below. Our recommendations are only a small fraction of what’s trending today. There were literally too many titles out there to choose from. Books and Conversation only wants to bring the most creative and unique titles to our readers. The supernatural and pleasantly and uncomfortable titles that are odd and exquisite. Our book shelves has a little bit of everything especially thrillers. If you’re into gothic, String Follow by Simon Jacobs is definitely worth checking out this weekend. Sundial by Catriona Ward will also be trending around town today. There was just something about our next two titles that really caught our eyes. The intriguing descriptions were mysterious and invitingly dark. These covers were quite amazing too. Cherish Farrah by Bethany C. Morrow and Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak. If you love historical, horror fiction then this next read is a must for you. The Fervor by Alma Katsu. Have you read these titles? If so, let your neighbors know in our comment section below!

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