Summer Camps 2022!


Baltimore City -Your neighbors and friends wants your take on this afternoon’s question of the day. Are you a parent or caregiver of a local Baltimore student? If so, how do you feel about sending your little ones to Summer Camp this year? What factors are affecting your decision and why? With the school year coming to an end, many families are weighing in on their options. There are many factors to consider such as cost and location for most households. Many families are paying pretty close attention to our Covid numbers. Safety concerns are why many families have decided to skip the camp all together. However, in our local district there’s many different options to choose from. Many camps in our area  are offering both virtual and in-person camps to meet your family’s needs. Virtual learning camps are a thing again this year. This is good because it helps our kids summarize everything that they learned during the school year and so much more. Some camps are free or low cost. Visit your local recreation center or public libraries for detailed information on their programs or family friendly activities. You can also search for local camps in your area online. Research everything to ensure it meets your family’s requirements and addresses all of your concerns. Ask questions and don’t forget to ask for a shadow day for you and your children. It’s important to see if it will be a good fit and most importantly if your kid likes it! Neighbors, if you have a rec center or camp to share with our community, please share your details in our comment section below. You can also post your Summer events and activities on our community events page!

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