Books and Conversation in the Evening!


Books and Conversation

Local residents are enjoying their beautiful Saturday at Pimlico today. It’s perfect for an afternoon in May. The  2022 Preakness Stakes is happening right in town. Many locals were ecstatic about the Triple Crown! The creative and unique names caught our attention. Which horse are you rooting for? Simplification which is currently trending among betters and is supposed to be the top pick at the race. Other horses in today’s race include popular favorites, Creative Minister, Happy Jack and Fenwick. How about the name Skippylongstocking! BBS has always been intrigued by the Jockeys. Many of fascinating players started out as stable hands and groomers. Their career path starts in the wonderful world of Equestrian. Their love for horses inspired them to pursue their career in horse racing. Of course, schooling and training is involved. Formal school is not required but learning all you can is an essential first step.  Many jockeys and everyday horse lovers take courses in horse care, nutrition and fitness just to name a few. Some prefer to further their education by attending the North American Racing Academy in Kentucky. Students will attend and earn a two-year degree. Which allows them to learn the necessary skills and knowledge to apply for their journeymen jockey license. That’s so amazing, right.? The opportunities are endless in this field. Here are a few recommendations for you and your loved ones to watch this evening. The animated movie Spirit is a hit for our little ones. Grandma and Grandpa would love to watch the classic horse movies such as National Velvet or Born To The Saddle from the year 1953! Please share  your favorite horse inspired books, movies or cartoons in our comment section below. If you’re attending today’s Preakness, post some pics below for your community to see!

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