Today’s Buy A Musical Instrument Day!


Calling all Music Lovers!

Baltimore City- Have you ever thought about learning to play a musical instrument? If you’ve been putting aside, BBS is here to remind you of that. Today is buy a musical instrument day and this includes you the reader! We’re talking to you this afternoon! It’s the perfect Sunday afternoon to visit a local flea market or thrift store to make that purchase. You can also visit Craigslist to find great bargains. Most music lovers dream of learning to play an instrument. From piano, to guitars or even harps or violins. Even flutes, saxophones and drums are major hits in our community. Now, instead of sitting in a classroom, residents can learn at home. When we visit music stores, we’re always told “Oh, just watch a YouTube video!” Neighbors and friends, is that really true? Many residents prefer the traditional classroom setting and that’s okay too. Whatever works for you is the best way to go. Do your research and ask around. There maybe free or low-cost classes right in your local area. Ask your neighbors about community classes at our local rec centers. They may know of a music teacher that offers discounts to seniors or kids. If all else fails, you can also download a free music app on your phone to get you started on your way. Music teachers, if you are offering classes, please let your community know in our comment section below!

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