VCR DAY in and around town!


Baltimore City(BBS)

It’s day two of our Summer celebration! Each day this week, BBS will be bringing you the coolest, National trends! Light, bright articles to make you smile. Today’s theme is VCR DAY! Blu-rays and DVD’s are not trending today for once. It’s all about your classic, thick VHS tapes all day today. We’re talking about those tapes that you have hidden in your attics, basements or even in crates and boxes. Here at BBS, we started lo love them and here’s why. It’s cheaper than going to the movies or even renting one. You can watch your favorite classics over and over again and the prices for it are amazing. We’ve visited our local thrift stores and there were like ten for a dollar. The joy in our eyes as we picked from all of our childhood favorites! Goodwills today still carry a wide range of assortments and selections for your family to choose from! If you could turn your favorite VHS tape into a movie, what would you choose and why? Have recommendations? Let your community know in our comment section below. What were your pros and cons of owning these classic devices? The younger generation would love to hear all about it?

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