

Maryland Beaches 

Seashells will be trending again this Summer and here’s why. Neighbors are really loving their fine collection of seashells.  Many locals are searching for Conus Gloriamaris or “Glory of the Sea Cone” This is the most rarest and expensive shell on our beach. According to Feng Shui, the Conch and Cowrie Shells are supposed to enhance the travel luck. So, no wonder it’s the most sought after around town. Many residents believe there are many benefits to collecting seashells. One is because it’s good for the environment. Seashells stabilizes beaches and anchors sawgrass. It can be used as homes for Hermit crabs and small fish. Shorebirds also use seashells to build their nests. Just remember to clean them thoroughly to remove things like bacteria or algae. That will help to remove an odor. To keep them pretty and shiny consider adding a dab of oil. So, what’s the real deal on why your neighbors and friends are collecting them? Many people do to relieve stress for one! Other collectors enjoy trading them in among their family and love ones. It’s trending the most because many believe it can be used inexpensive, home decor! Seashells make beautiful displays in glass jars on shelves. It can be used as a soap dish to give your sink area a beach feel. A seashell inspired wreath brings a sand, surf and ocean feel to any front door. It’s a creative, warm welcome to the ocean for most. Others like to make crafts with their little ones with shells. Your kids can make necklaces and bracelets with them. Many are just amazed by them like we are! How about you?

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