Your Baltimore weather forecast for Thursday, Jun 30 - Monday, Jul 4


It’s a mixture of everything! Hot temps, Sun, clouds and maybe even some rain for our holiday celebrations!

Weather outlook for Thursday, Jun 30 - Monday, Jul 4

Thursday June 30

Clear throughout the day.

High: 89° Low: 72° with a 11% chance of rain with 5 mph winds from the S.

Friday July 1

Partly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 92° Low: 75° with a 31% chance of rain with 8 mph winds from the SSW.

Saturday July 2

Rain starting in the afternoon.

High: 86° Low: 70° with a 90% chance of rain with 7 mph winds from the SW.

Sunday July 3

Mostly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 85° Low: 71° with a 61% chance of rain with 4 mph winds from the NE.

Monday July 4

Partly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 87° Low: 72° with a 13% chance of rain with 5 mph winds from the ENE.

There you have it! For more details, check out our weekly weather forecast.

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